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Home > Spotlight > YouTube Marching Videos

YouTube videos showcase marching activities

Marching-related videos are all over YouTube. That's great news for marching fans, since it's now easier than ever to view clips of bands, guards, drumlines and events. Here are a few videos that has featured in conjunction with news stories.

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Swiss drum unit gaining international fame
The "Top Secret" drum corps from Basel, Switzerland has been making a splash with its performances across Europe, North America and Australia. The group is known for its military-style precision and crowd-pleasing stick tricks. This video shows the group's performance at the 2006 Military Tattoo on the grounds of Edinburgh Castle in Scotland. Visit Wikipedia for more info about Top Secret.

Percussion units perform at European championship
Two World Class percussion units from the USA performed in exhibition March 30 at the 2008 Indoor Percussion Europe (IPE) Championships in Belgium. This video features Scholastic World unit Father Ryan H.S. from Nashville, Tennessee presenting its show "7 Countries in 7 Minutes." Independent World unit Matrix from Akron, Ohio also performed. For scores, interviews and more information about IPE, visit

Patrick Henry Hughes: Musician rises against the odds
Parental support and a positive outlook have helped Patrick Henry Hughes overcome blindness and a wheelchair. The gifted musician is a pianist and also plays trumpet in the University of Louisville marching band. His inspirational story has sparked interest around the world, and his family will be featured on ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition airing February 17, 2008. This video from ESPN provides a touching overview of Patrick's story.

Pasadena draws bands from around the world
The 2008 Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade featured a spectacular range of marching bands, including groups from Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Japan, Switzerland, Canada, Hawaii and all areas of the continental United States. This video clip from KTLA-TV in Los Angeles shows the Akashikita High School Band from Japan.

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