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38th Annual

Waseca Marching Classic

Waseca, Minnesota

Saturday, September 20, 2025

12:00 PM Parade
Downtown Waseca

5:30 PM Field Show
9:05 PM Awards and Fireworks

Waseca Jr.-Sr. H.S. Stadium
1717 2nd St NW
Waseca, MN 56093

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Waseca Marching Classic
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Devon Lawrence, Band Director

Phone: 507-835-5470, ext. 3524
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Home > Featured Events > Waseca Marching Classic
 Waseca Marching Classic Celebration Celebrating 38 years, the Waseca Marching Classic is noted for its hospitality and well-rounded experience for participating bands. Details such as educational clinics, a large community parade and a fireworks display have become hallmarks of the Classic.

The parade begins at 12:00pm in downtown Waseca. Thousands of spectators line the parade route which travels on State Street from 2nd Avenue SE to 6th Avenue NE. Professional judges critique the parade and field competitions. Throughout the day, these same judges/clinicians offer one-hour educational clinics to the participating bands. The 5:30pm field show at the Waseca Jr.-Sr. High School Stadium features bands competing in three classes. The awards ceremony is followed by the grand finale, the Classic fireworks display, a favorite of the band students.

Interested bands can get more information and register online at Classification is determined by school enrollment, but special circumstances will be considered by the Classic committee for bands with less experience or personnel. Bands that register by August 15 are eligible for one of three bonus "band participation" prizes ranging from $250 to $500. See for details.

2024 Results

 Waseca Marching Classic PARADE
55.15 Eagle Grove, IA
44.40 NRHEG, New Richland, MN

62.25 Pipestone, MN
60.35 Luverne, MN

70.80 Lakeville South, MN (Horn Line, Percussion, Drum Majors)
66.15 Worthington, MN (Color Guard)
64.60 Lakeville North, MN

Waseca Marching Jays

People's Choice: Lakeville North, MN
Parade Sweepstakes: Lakeville South, MN

69.00 Rochester Lourdes, MN
60.30 Luverne, MN
53.35 Pipestone, MN
51.30 Okoboji, IA

68.40 Coon Rapids, MN (Drum Majors)
66.05 Spirit Lake, IA
59.30 Madison, SD

77.30 Lakeville South, MN (Color Guard)
76.75 Eden Prairie, MN (Horn Line, Percussion)
75.95 Mankato 77 Lancers, MN
66.65 Blaine, MN

Waseca Marching Jays

Herb Streitz Spirit Award: Rochester Lourdes, MN
Field Sweepstakes: Lakeville South, MN
Richard "Butch" Dufault Sweepstakes Award (60% Field + 40% Parade): Lakeville South, MN

2024 Performance Order

As of September 17, 2024

PARADE (12:00 Step-Off)
1. NRHEG Panther Marching Band, New Richland, MN (A)
2. Eagle Grove Marching Eagles, Eagle Grove, IA (A)
3. Luverne Cardinal Marching Band, Luverne, MN (AA)
4. Pipestone Area Arrow Marching Band, Pipestone, MN (AA)
5. Lakeville North Panther Marching Band, Lakeville, MN (AAA)
6. Spirit of Worthington Trojan Marching Band, Worthington, MN (AAA)
7. Lakeville South Marching Cougars, Lakeville, MN (AAA)
8. Waseca Marching Jays (Exhibition)

Parade Awards Ceremony at Trowbridge Park Bandstand immediately after the parade.

5:30 Introductions and Announcements
5:45 Pipestone Area Arrow Marching Band, Pipestone, MN (A)
5:58 Luverne Cardinal Marching Band, Luverne, MN (A)
6:11 Okoboji Pioneer Pride Marching Band, Okoboji, IA (A)
6:24 Rochester Lourdes H.S. Marching Band, Rochester, MN (A)
6:38 "Spirit of Madison" Marching Band, Madison, SD (AA)
6:52 Coon Rapids Marching Cardinals, Coon Rapids, MN (AA)
7:06 Spirit Lake "The Force", Spirit Lake, IA (AA)

7:20 BREAK

7:40 Blaine Marching Bengals, Blaine, MN (AAA)
7:54 Mankato 77 Lancers Marching Band, Mankato, MN (AAA)
8:08 Eden Prairie Eagle Marching Band, Eden Prairie, MN (AAA)
8:22 Lakeville South Marching Cougars, Lakeville, MN (AAA)
8:37 Maverick Machine Athletic Band from Mankato State University-Mankato (Exhibition)
8:52 Waseca Marching Jays (Exhibition)
9:10 Awards Ceremony

Fireworks Following Awards

Related Events

• A 10-15 minute fireworks display is presented immediately after the awards ceremony.

Future Dates

Saturday, September 20, 2025
Saturday, September 19, 2026
Saturday, September 18, 2027
(Always held on the second-to-last Saturday in September)

For More Information


Devon Lawrence, Band Director
Phone: 507-835-5470, ext. 3524